Sunday, September 4, 2011

Some Tips & Ideas for anyone Interested in Living a Greener Life

Going Green can be as Simple as Using Less

In todays world it makes more sense to go green than ever. Some people might go green because they want to be easier on the environment. Others might want to go green to save money, while a few others might go green to help cure a lot of the problems of todays world such as OIL DEPENDENCE.

There are many ways that a person can be greener. You can steer away from gasoline powered vehicles and use electric, biofuel, hydrogen, or other source of alternative energy. You can be more selective about what products you buy and who you buy them from. You could put up some solar panels or even turn off a light switch. Try to recycle, use less, and reuse stuff when possible.

Alternative fuel sources are generally better on our environment when compared to burning oil, coal, and other materials for energy. It really does make sense for more of us to use renewable fuels instead of non renewables.

If you have an electric car, alternative fuel vehicle, or hybrid it is generally going to be cheaper to operate than a gas powered vehicle. If you put up some solar panels or a windmill, you will get a continual source of renewable virtually free energy. While going green has a more upfront cost, it makes sense in the long term just money wise, the lack of environmental impact is a side benefit.

If the world did not have to rely on oil so much for energy we would not have half of the problems that we have today. We would not be fueling the fire that is going in the middle east and our environment would be significantly less impacted. Our air would be significantly cleaner as well.

Going green has many advantages. We as consumers need to push for these technologies that we should of had many years ago. There is no reason that the automobile industry cannot retool their plants and start outputting a significantly larger number alternative fuel and electric vehicles. One major problem is the oil industry has a deathhold on these companies and it is all about the fast money that they can make.

Or you could just go green because you like the color. Get a large tub of paint and jump in. You are now GREEN.

It just makes me sad that when it finally gets to the point to where we can all